Excimi™ Records

Excimi™ Records are immutable, data-backed logs of inspections and remediations for each hotel. Every time an in-network service provider conducts a visit to your property, our mobile app allows them to confirm which rooms were inspected and treated on that date.

At the end of their property visit, they will issue a digital certificate confirming that they have completed inspection and/or remediation services.

Our Plan

Always Up-to-Date

Each newly created certificate is automatically added to your property's secure, immutable record within our database. This ensures that all of your data is court-safe, in order to minimize litigation.

At any time, you can view the full history of your bed bug action plan in detail. You can also review individual certificates, or a simple timeline of completed property visits.


The certificate itself is generated from our database and contains unique identifiers confirming the specific property it certifies. It is automatically time-stamped and signed by both the service provider and Excimi™.

Keep the Details Private

The public-facing certificate only confirms the completion of a property visit. The details of each property visit are kept private, only accessible to the service provider and property owner or manager.

Private & Publicly Available Property Inspection Reports

Each digital certificate is connected to the full history of inspections for that specific property.

The Property Inspection Report is a quick and easy way to verify that your property is being inspected on a regular basis, and that your commitment to providing worry-free hotel visits extends far beyond your most recent inspection.

Property Inspection Reports also list the names of each service provider that inspects your property, ensuring their accountability to provide the best quality service possible at each property visit.

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Simple Embeddable Code Element

Give your guests data-backed peace of mind by publicizing your certification. Excimi™ Certificates can be embedded into any travel search engine and displayed without disrupting the booking process.

A simple view of your certificate can be viewed as an overlay that pops up over a booking site, adding information without disrupting the booking process.

Don't leave your property's reputation in the hands of subjective review sites. Excimi™'s digital seal distinguishes your hotel as a certified plan member in good standing. Alleviate the concerns of cautious guests with solid data about your action plan, so everyone sleeps better at night.

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This digital certificate is to certify that
Boston Budget Hotel (Example)
1111 Main St, Boston, MA
is enrolled in Excimi's Best Practices Bed Bug Remediation Plan. The property listed above was last inspected on
August 16, 2018
View Full History
While this doesn't guarantee this hotel is bed bug free during your visit,
this is the best known method to ensure that your visit at the inspected site
will be safe from bed bugs and that the hotel does everything possible
to make your visit worry-free.
Ryan Kelly
BBDR Services LLC
Certificate Issued by
Jody Brady
Vice-President Excimi™